Some Art Masterpieces You Have To See At Least Once In Your Life
July 20, 2020 By Verda Compton Art
Painting In Loveland CO
In the world, there are thousands of paintings in Loveland CO that have marked a period in history and are the reflection of an era. However, there are some that are worth enjoying life. If you have the opportunity, you should not miss these masterpieces of art that are a benchmark in the art world.

The Creation of Adam, Michelangelo (1508-1512)
In the central part of the vault of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, in the Vatican City, is this work of art that is fundamental to the Catholic faith. However, there is a theory that Michelangelo would have painted an anatomical sketch of the human brain around the figure of God. This would not be the first time that the artist discreetly places his scientific knowledge in his works.

The Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci (1503-1506, 1513-1516)
Considered one of the great jewels of the Louvre museum in Paris, and one of the most mysterious works of art in the world, the technique with which she was painted has been studied on multiple occasions for the optical effects on the eyes and her hesitant smile. In addition, it has been subject to great controversies, such as its abduction at the beginning of the 20th century.

The Birth of Venus, Sandro Botticelli (1484-1485)
This mythical painting, both for the story behind it and for its creative process. The painting was painted in accordance with the tempera method, which, despite the centuries that separate us from its creation, retains its beauty. Its delicacy is such that at first glance, few notice the disproportion of the goddess’s neck emerging in the sea. To admire this work of art in detail, you can enjoy it at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.
Las Meninas or The Family of Felipe IV, Diego Velázquez (1656)
The work revolves around the Infanta Margarita de Austria, surrounded by her servants, “las meninas,” although the painting also represents other characters such as King Felipe IV and his wife, Mariana de Austria. The interesting thing about the painting is that it is painted as a reflection, and in it, many details are discovered that are not appreciated at first glance, so you can discover them in the Prado Museum in Madrid.

Water Lilies, Claude Monet (1915-26)
It is a series of paintings of approximately 250 works, with representations of the Giverny Garden, where Monet settled with his family in 1890. The paintings try to capture the beauty of nature and its subtle changes. Each one had to be suspended (within a circular room) to create the effect of the course of a day or that of the four seasons. At the Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris, they are placed in this way, but around the world, several museums included it in their collections.
The Girl with the Pearl, Johannes Vermeer (1665)
Considered the Mona Lisa of northern Europe, this painting has been one of the great mysteries of the art world. The position of the portrait and the pearl earring that stands out in her clothing. The work located at the Mauritshuis Museum in the Netherlands could have been forgotten if it had not been purchased in the early 20th century, at auction for just a few guilders.